The Importance of Being Agile

“In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.” ~ Mark Twain

So often, we think of the spring as a time of new beginnings, of change. Where a tree branch was bare a day or so before, it is now bursting with blossoms. All of a sudden, we notice birdsong, where before there was silence.

We adapt to the changing hours of daylight. Finally we have passed the midpoint so now there is more day than night. We adapt to the changing weather by being ready for whatever weather is happening. We may even carry an umbrella, and have sandals tucked in the trunk of our car, alongside a jacket, just in case.

Being an entrepreneur is a lot like being in springtime. There is a sense of hope, rebirth, and new beginnings. If we are smart, we adapt to the many changes that go with growing a business.

But, being in business for yourself, especially a service business like coaching, requires much more than just the ability to adapt to change. It requires flexibility, creative thinking and agility.

It is essential for successful entrepreneurs to become agile in the face of change, in order to have a thriving business. And let’s face it, there will always be change. We know that change is constant.

Resourcefulness, creative thinking and perseverance all help us strengthen our agility muscles. So does letting go of the notion that change is hard, and challenging. I know, this isn’t always easy, especially when we are caught by surprise in a storm.

In addition to all the change in our personal lives, we also have the many changes faced by our clients. And, it is agility that keeps us grounded, flexible, responsive. When we can bend with the wind, rather than become uprooted, we can embrace, and even thrive during the stormy times.

We can learn a lot from taking a walk in the springtime. I know some of you are still buried under snow, slush and the remainder of winter. Even so, there is the hope of spring, that first crocus poking it’s impudent leaves up through the ground, wearing a snowy blossom for a hat. Some of us already see the riot of colors, sounds and smells that signal spring is already here.

Agility is the power to move quickly, easily and gracefully when the situation calls for it. It can even be recognizing when the winds of change are blowing, and having the nimbleness, insightfulness and creativity to not only embrace them, but to thrive.

It’s spring. Why not take delight in your agility to weather the changes, both internal and external?  Just take a look around you – there’s a celebration going on. Why not enjoy it?


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